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Frequently Asked Questions

Carpet Cleaning ~ Castle Rock, CO

  • What Method does Castle Rock Carpet Care (CRCC) use to clean carpets?
    Preferred by most carpet manufacturers, we use a hot water extraction cleaning method. Depending on your specific carpet type and soil conditions, specifically formulated solutions will be used that will not leave behind any sticky residue. For worn or heavier soiled carpets, an orbital machine is used prior to the extraction method. Additional treatments are used for pet contamination.
  • How does Castle Rock Carpet Care determine Pricing?
    Several factors go into determining pricing such as square footage, soil and stain amounts, odor, customer expectations and more. Due to these variables, providing an accurate quote without more information is very difficult. The best thing to do is to schedule a free, no obligation quote so there are no surprises.
  • How does Castle Rock Carpet Care Treat Odors & Stains caused by Pet Accidents?
    Odors and stains caused by pet accidents require a special treatment in addition to regular cleaning methods. Depending on the location, severity, level of tolerance, and budget, there are different treatment options available. After the inspection, all options will be discussed with the customer.
  • Does Castle Rock Carpet Care guarantee removal of all stains?
    While every effort is made to remove each and every stain, there is no guarantee that every stain can be removed. Depending on the substance, length of dwell time, over the counter treatment products, it may not be possible to remove certain stains.
  • Does Castle Rock Carpet Care guarantee removal of all malodors?
    There is an odor guarantee available depending on level of service selected. Otherwise, odor expectations will be discussed and set prior to the cleaning with each customer. If the service does not meet the expectations that were set, contact us at 720-285-0655 within 48 hours after your service, and we will return at no cost.
  • What happens if stains reappear that were previously cleaned?
    Although every measure is taken to treat each stain the first time, on certain occasions stains can “wick” or reappear back to the surface from the carpet backing. If this happens, contact us at 720-285-0655 within 48 hours after your service, we will return at no cost to retreat the problem areas.
  • How long does it take for the carpets to dry?
    Typically carpets take 1-3 hours if a central air/heating system has air circulating and/or ceiling fans are running. Several factors go into the drying time such as air circulation, humidity, and carpet material. Air movers are used to drastically speed up drying times. Areas done first are typically dry by the end of cleaning. Final cleaning areas may require some additional time to dry depending on the amount of fan time. Please let us know if there are any rooms that you would like dry first.
  • Will cleaning my area rugs wet the floors underneath?
    Unless they are being treated for pet accidents that have penetrated the carpet backing, the regular cleaning method will not wet the backside of the rug. Any rug needing pet treatment, may be taken outside to be treated or in some cases, taken off location and returned.
  • Should items be picked up off the floor prior to cleaning?
    Yes, all small items including light furniture should be picked up if the carpet underneath is to be cleaned.
  • Should carpets be vacuumed before Castle Rock Carpet Care Arrives?
    Yes, please make sure to vacuum before our arrival. We will perform a final vacuum prior to cleaning, but excessive hair or debris may result in an additional charge.
  • What furniture will Castle Rock Carpet Care move & is there a cost?
    There is no charge to move furniture as long is it is not too heavy, fragile, and is reasonable. All light furniture, lamps, plants, toys, etc. should be moved off the floor prior to our arrival.
  • How often should I have my carpets cleaned?
    Depending on foot traffic, homes that have pets or young children, spill rate probability, allergies, carpet protector and more, cleaning frequency can vary. As a general rule, cleanings are recommended every 6-12 months to maintain healthy carpets in between cleanings. Even though you may not see dirt, there may be oils, dust, allergens and more hiding and building up.
  • Does Castle Rock Carpet Care guarantee quality of work?
    Absolutely! If for any reason you are not completely satisfied contact us at 720-285-0655, we will return at no cost to attempt to remedy the situation. If we cannot come to a resolution, you will be offered a full refund.
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